Tuesday, April 20, 2021


So it’s 9am ET on Tuesday, April 20, 2021. Marijuana day. 4/20. Is that still a “thing”? The whole 420 joke? I don’t know. I was never into marijuana.

It’s been a minute since anything has been posted … just feelin’ like sharing some thoughts – afore this verdict in the Derek Chauvin case. Already nervous that the jury hadn’t reached a decision the instant they returned to their deliberation room. How, why was that business not settled last night? What the hell are y’all doin’?!


How sad is it that there’s a chance Chauvin will get away with murder?

How sad is it that business owners in Minneapolis already boarded up their windows – because they anticipate the right thing (convicting Chauvin) could possibly come out wrong? (not convicting Chauvin) And they expect(?) that the wrong thing will cause people to lose their ability to control themselves and violence will take place. How sad is that?

Rhetorical questions, y’all …

I shake my head at the possibles, the hypotheticals …

Hmph. And that’s all I can do. Shake my head. Wish. And then I shake my head that that’s all I can do … Hmph.

Right now? Believe it or not, right now, I’m not even caring that it was a white cop killing a black man. It was a murder. One man killed another man. Caught on tape and we had to waste time with a stupid trial and now a good chunk of the country (the world?) actually is wondering what will happen. How sad is that?

Monday, February 1, 2021

Friday, January 1, 2021


May the stench, stain and pain of (2016 through) 2020 disappear into a black hole in a galaxy far, far away ... 
