I digress...
So... I don't think snow had to be shipped in to the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. I know there was the possibility, but I don't think it actually happened. On the other hand, snow was shipped over to the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 'Member that? Yep.
Okay, so what I'm thinkin' now is, isn't there some brilliant engineer out there somewhere who can figure out a way to scoop up all the huge ice chunks being created by the Coast Guard's ice breaking ships (on the Great Lakes, the Hudson River, etc) - and deliver them to all parts of Cali in need of water? I mean, can't that happen?
Can't it happen where the ice chunks are gathered, transported and perhaps melted during transport or once it arrives in California. Then it gets stored somewhere (I'm not the engineer, so I don't have all the answers!) but it gets released when needed? Am I thinking too small? Would that just end up being a tiny, tiny amount of the water that's needed and therefore be too costly to do? Somebody?
Okay, well, um... how about this theory for California... Cloud Seeding. Not making it up.
Just sayin'...
Hey, thanks for reading. And if you're not following, why don'tcha? @IJSTweets
Good grief ... what a lovely way to start a new year ...
Mowing people down with you car. Hm.
2 months ago